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News For Veterans
by Veterans
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Publisher's Corner

Allies Essential to Victory
As you will be learning from an increasing number of news articles (the June 14 article from The Hill being the most prominent) and podcast intervi...

Guest Viewpoint

My Life is a Drain on My Family

Our floor is gone in the bathroom, the back deck is falling in, there is a hole in the kitchen floor, the toilet in the basement is broken, the house needs an overhaul, there are broken windows, the garage needs repair, the yard is terrible… …and...

The Healthcare Maze - Debt Day National Campaign

We are pleased to have Jerry Ashton with us. Jerry, has been on the program before. He's a former Navy journalist best known for co founding the national charity R.I. P. Medical debt, which is now Undue Medical Debt. Jerry has launched a new charity called End Veteran This new charity is launching a new national campaign called Debt Day on June 6, 2024. June 6th is famous for the D-Day event.

Click here to listen to the podcast.